Sunday, May 20, 2012

This Weekend is a BLURR

This weekend has been a blurr. Rich has been so busy with all that goes into them dividing our stake, that my head is still spinning. On Friday he fasted all day and attended the temple, then met with two general authorities for his appointment later on that night. I was busy running around getting everything done because I knew yesterday with baby showers, conference and Rich's birthday, I needed to get groceries and so forth. On Sat. morning he came in and said that President Barker wanted to meet with us in 30 minutes. What? Don't they know it takes a girl longer than that to get ready? So off to the races, showering, blow drying and curling my hair then get the makeup on, dressed and out the door we went. I absolutely hate being put on the spot for an interview and with my anxiety I felt like this might be the end for me. Rich kept telling me it was no big deal it would just be a fast interview and we would be out of there. He was right, it wasn't a big deal, just them asking Rich to continue doing his job on the high council. Whew! I wasn't really worried because I know what I'm capable of doing and so does Heavenly Father. On the way home from conference this morning I felt a little bit sad. I thought I would be happy to have cut the crowds in half, but there are lots of people who we love that we won't see much anymore. Tonight is Seminary Graduation and Rich's job on the high council is to conduct that meeting and get through it. Then it will be the end to a very stressful and busy weekend. I feel so unprepared and inadequate for some of this church work, but we will continue to serve as long as we can or they release us. Then we can take an extended vacation, sure.

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