Thursday, June 3, 2010

Need To Drop My Bag of Rocks

I can't believe how fast the weeks are going by. The older I get the faster the time seems to flash before my eyes. As a kid it seemed like forever for Christmas and my birthday to come around. It seems like we just had the holidays and now it's almost the 4th of July. We are having a baby shower for Jenn in a couple of weeks. After four girls she is having a baby boy so she needs everything. I told Rich that I wanted my hall bathroom remodeled before the shower. It is the last of the original bathrooms to be torn out and new tile and marble put in. Ethan even made all new granite counters for the vanities. Well, the guys started on Monday with the demolition and should finish it tomorrow. I hate to complain because I will be so happy when it is done, but it makes a huge mess. There is so much dust and grit on my wood floor it drives me crazy, it's like walking on sand and it looks horrible.
I was getting ready to go to a baby shower tonight when Ethan called to say that Brookie hit her foot on a fan in their hallway and she was in pain and wouldn't walk on it. They wanted to know if we could help while they took her to get an x-ray. We were just going out the door so they just took the whole family to urgent care. I guess she did break a bone in the top of her foot and will need a cast. Poor Ethan and Jenn, they are trying to move, it's going to be hot as hell this weekend and now Brookie has a broken foot. Jenn won't be able to carry her chubby little body around and they need to be able to get her in the pool or she will not be happy being hot. They are hoping to find a doctor who will put a waterproof cast on.
Sometimes I feel like we just go from one trial to the next. Last week it was a funeral. This week a broken foot. What will tomorrow bring? I was talking to a friend the other day about trials in our lives. Other than Kamber, we have had it pretty good. We were talking about how angry at God you become when you have a tragedy happen in your life. I know that for two years I have been so angry that she wasn't saved. Then with time you finally begin to accept it and realize that we really don't have any control over our trials. We don't see the big picture nor understand . It will be interesting when we go to the other side to see just how many times we were helped and someone did step in on our behalf and save us from ourselves and our stupid actions. I sometimes feel like if I really understood the Atonement, and let it work for me in my life, I would be able to forgive those who I feel have wronged me and stop carrying that big bag of rocks around everyday. I think that is what Kamber would want me to do also, maybe I can drop a few small ones everyday until they are all gone. Sounds good to me.

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