Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hippos Have Bad Hips Too

As soon as I say the heat hasn't been that bad the temperature shoots up to 111 degrees. I just talked to Spencer to see how far they have gotten coming from Colorado and when I told him what the temp is, all I heard was "sweet, I can't wait."

Yesterday I waited until about 6:00 p.m. before I was brave enough to go out to swim. Mindi had to go to Mutual, Tristyn had volleyball practice and Trace and Trent were over playing with friends. So Troy and I went out to have a one on one swimming session. He is so funny and has lots of personality. Because the other kids are in school he usually goes with us everywhere when we run errands. He is really special to me. Anyway, after we swam for a few minutes I said, "Troy why don't you go jump off the diving board." So over he went and jumped off. He then swam over to me and said, " Grandma, do you want to jump off the diving board?" I said, "Troy I have a really bad hip and I don't dare jump off the diving board." He then said, "hippos have bad hips." I said, "well I'm not a hippo quite yet." He then said, "I know you aren't a hippo, you are grandma." Most of the time I think he is a precious little boy, but at times he has his moments when I threaten to spank his butt. I don't think grandmas should spank their grand kids. He loves the baby rabbits and we have to really watch him because he will sneak out and take them out of their box. Yesterday he came in to ask if he could hold a baby. I told him they were out in the pen and to wait until later because it was too hot. I had to tell him a little fib, they were really in my bathroom in the cool. Pretty soon Mindi came in worried and went out looking for him. She then went found him out in the pen with the chickens and rabbits looking for the baby bunnies. Pretty soon he will be in school and I won't have anyone to hang out with. That will be a sad day for me. At least I learned that hippos have bad hips too.

1 comment:

The McNeil Family said...

What a cute picture and troy holding the bunny.