Monday, March 23, 2009

March Madness

I love the month of March. The weather is usually nice and my flowers are starting to look really good before they start dying off. I also like March because of the college basketball's tournament. I guess my love for basketball started when I used to play outside every day after school. It was usually Lennie and me against Dad and Ben. My Dad was also a high school referee so he would take us kids all over town when he reffed. A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my friend about Kamber and how hard it is to come to terms with her death. I think I'm doing really well, but there are times that the pain is unbearable. He was telling me about his theory that you are either in the stands, or you are on the court. When you are in the stands, you are watching the players, cheering, yelling and wondering about the strategy on the court. But, when you are on the court, and in the game, it's a whole new experience. I have been in the stands for a long time in my life, but since Kamber's passing I feel I've been forced to get on the court and in to the game. I guess this is why we aren't suppose to judge anyone, because if you aren't on the court and in the game you have NO idea what it's like. I'm looking forward to being in the stands in the future but for now I'm stuck on the court.

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