Friday, March 13, 2009

Close Call

WOW did I have another close call. I went out this morning to do my chores, (feed animals, start up the pond, water my plants, etc.). I was in the aviary putting seeds in the dishes when I saw a black furry critter run past me with a white Lab on his trail. He got under the cage and Sonny had him in his mouth before I had time to react. I started yelling at the dogs and finally got them out of the area and in the pool fence. Then I had to go back and try to get my rabbit back in his cage. I found him hiding behind the feed but I couldn't catch him. As soon as I would touch him he would take off. He finally got out of the aviary and in the yard. That's two acres of wet grass; because we got irrigation yesterday, and I'm trying to catch him. Yea, right. Anyway, to make a long story short I ran in and got Mindi and she and Trace came out and they trapped him behind the fence and got him back where he belongs. I found the hole he got out of and had to fill that in. I started thinking about how many times in my life I have had close calls. How many times was my life spared because it wasn't my time. We never know when life is going to throw us a curveball. I think of my teenage years and all the stupid things I did. I'm so thankful that my Heavenly Father was watching over me. Since Kamber passed away it has made us all aware of the fact we never know what is around the corner. All I know today is that my little black rabbit is a lucky bunny.

1 comment:

Stephanie Abney said...

Teri ~ You are so tender-hearted when it comes to your animals and your babies (of every age). Take care, Cuz' ~ I love ya'