Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lunch With The Girls

Last year we decided that instead of giving birthday gifts we would just go out to lunch to celebrate. This is our second year going and it was fun to get out with just adults. We went to the Paradise Bakery and got sandwiches, soup and salads. Now that Linda has moved to Chandler I miss not seeing her and my nieces and nephews much. Julie lives three houses down, but with Len as the Stake President her life is way busy. It's weird to think that for thirty years I have been able to stay close and build relationships with my sister and sister-in-laws. I was a spoiled brat as a young girl, (some things never change). I didn't treat my sister very nice while we were growing up. She was way smart and studied hard only getting one "B" in her whole life. I loved my friends and boyfriends, sports and everyone else besides my family. We had early morning seminary and I hated getting up early. My sister Mell would turn the alarm on and then wake me up. I decided to turn the alarm off when I went to bed so she would be late to seminary. I hope I can be forgiven for that. When Kamber passed away Len and Julie went to the hospital to console Ethan and Jenn, I know that meant a lot to them. Then Linda and Julie organized all the pictures at the viewing and funeral. Julie also wrote the obituary, which was perfect. Everything they do is done with class and style. I appreciate everything they have done for me and our family. We are getting older and each of us have had our trials. I am so thankful for my sister and that my brothers were smart enough to pick some darling girls to marry.

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