Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Where are the Butterflies and Rainbows?

It seems like I'm still trying to get back to normal after my trip to Denver. Sitting in a car for four days and not sleeping very well in hotels listening to heavy breathing and snoring has taken a toll on me. I was one of the snorers, so I can't complain too much. Yesterday I ran some errands with Candi and when I got home Mindi had a stack of stuff to take to Goodwill. We would take it to DI but it is way far away and we didn't have the time. This morning Candi came over and did mine and Mindi's hair, it's so nice having a hairdresser in the family. After she left I got some of my ironing done but that is about all I accomplished today. It seems like I'm not that motivated to get the things done I need to, like putting up my Halloween decorations, finishing a quilt, and shopping for all the upcoming birthdays. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Ethan and Jenn were on Sunday evenings Fox 10 news talking about Kambers Kaskets. They did such a good job, I was so proud of them. I think it might have triggered some old feelings of grief that I've been working on for the last three years. Sometimes I think my emotions are under control and then the sadness, despair, anger, depression and hopelessness creep in. It doesn't help that the hip pain has come back, I know the cortisone is only masking the damage of major surgery a year ago. As I was feeling a little down the other day I started thinking about what it would be like on the other side. I almost got a euphoric feeling thinking about how nice it would be to be totally 'Pain Free," both physically and mentally. As I was telling Rich about my experience he said something about "opposition in all things." It seems like the older we get the more opposition there is. We knew before we came it wasn't going to be all rainbows and butterflies but at some point I wish I could just have at least one of those. Who knows maybe I will see one soon.

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