Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"I Hate To See Summer End?"

Yesterday was Labor Day so we celebrated by taking my Mom to the mall to buy a gift for my niece, Allysa for her shower this Sat. After suffering for two nights of extreme pain from going to the football game, I was wondering how I would do walking around the stores. When I got out of the car and started into Dillard's' my Mom said, "gird up your loins, fresh courage take." That has become my mantra when I'm doing something hard. It seems like everything is hard for me right now. There is always so much to do around the house and yard when we have a party here. I think all of us could stay home and work day and night and we still wouldn't have it perfect. My Mom suggested that I sweep the floor, do my dishes, dust a little bit and call it good, but that won't do. I want it to be really nice, so I'll just keep working on my list of "must be done" until I run out of time. I'm trying really hard to not sink down into a deep dark hole. Last month was so hot I thought I was going to die. I don't know how many more summers I will be able to stay here. The problem is, what to do with all the plants and animals around here? I need to work on that one this winter. Last night as we were getting ready for bed Rich said, "I hate to see the weather cool down and summer come to an end." I could not believe what I was hearing. I think he's been out in the sun too long because I don't know anyone who is enjoying this weather. This morning when I told him he was "losing his mind" he said, "well, I just know it will be getting cold soon." Wa Wa isn't that horrible that it could cool off here? I can't wait until that day because I will hopefully be out of the toilet by then and have a better outlook on life.

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