Thursday, May 23, 2013

"The Best Day Ever"

Yesterday was the "best day ever!" Not really, but it was a milestone day for me as I turned sixty years old. WOW, when I woke up I thought I would feel different, but it was the same old me. My sister had planned on taking me to lunch but when I woke up I felt inspired that we should go to Scottsdale and have lunch with the people who brought me into this world and have been my biggest source of love and support throughout my life. It was good to see Dad smiling again and having an appetite, as he has been fighting prostate cancer for the last eleven years. At eighty-four years old we feel lucky that our parents are still living in their home and able to take care of each other. It could be a whole lot worse. I had so many calls and well wishes it made me feel loved. I appreciate all those who called and brought by little treats and gifts, I truly don't deserve all the blessings I have been given. Now today I am back to reality, there are dishes and laundry to do, plus animals that need to be fed. We are also preparing for all the family that will be arriving this weekend as Mary comes home to plan a funeral for her husband Lance. Also, Spencer and Annie are coming on Saturday, so it will be a busy start to the summer. As I have struggled with anxiety and depression, plus the lack of self esteem I have learned that we can't change any one but ourselves. The older I get the more I understand that everyone has their free agency to do what they want, including myself. My testimony is strong that I know I lived before I came to earth, and when I leave this mortal life and ;pass through the veil I will be home, being united with those that have passed on before me. I hope to live a life worthy to see Kamber, as I know she loves her family and wants us to do what is right. Life is good, and I'm thankful for all my experiences that have made me who I am, even though I'm now a senior citizen.

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