Friday, May 17, 2013

"Taking Things Way Too Personal"

Last night as Rich and I were getting ready for bed I could see he still doesn't look well. I asked him what was going on and even though he is feeling better there are still challenges. He has spent the last two weeks sick, had surgery, went back to work too soon, and now that he's gotten the stint that went from his kidney to his bladder taken out, we are hoping he will get stronger everyday. I told him last night I feel life is just one big problem. His answer was, "especially in construction." I was feeling really secure the other day when I noticed I hadn't seen any scorpions lately. I was hoping the cold weather this winter might have killed them all. NAH! As I was pulling the comforter down from my bed last night I felt that awful sting and knew I had been stung by one of those little creatures. After saying a few choice words, I grabbed a cup and filled it with water hoping the dang thing would drown. What a horrible time to get stung right before bed. Then I was on a mission to stop the never ending throbbing at the top of my thigh. I must be a scorpion magnet because I think of all the family, I've been stung the most. In the book, The Road Less Traveled, by Scott Peck he says, "Life is difficult. This is a great truth-one of the greatest truths. It is great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult, once we truly understand and accept it, then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. When we do not understand this truth, we moan and groan about the enormity of our problems. We pound on doors, and jump up and down, imagining that somewhere, somehow, life is easy and we've been cheated. Where did we get the idea life should be easy?" I know for sure life is not easy. I've been really worried lately about some things in my life. As I was telling Rich about my concerns he finally said, "Dewey, I think you are taking this WAY too personal." I need to respect the choices those close to me decide to do and concentrate on my own happiness. That is so, so hard for me to do. The old "Free Agency" concept concerning my family makes me disappointed and crazy. But then again, life isn't suppose to be easy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Life is so difficult, it's supposed to be, this is the part that refines us--you cannot control others actions, even if it is close family or friends--remember who you are and where you are going--you are in a good place, trying your hardest you are not in charge of anyone else's choices girl--just get on your track--and don't worry about the rest--they'll catch up--so sorry Rich is feeling so bad, and on his birthday--love you girl