Monday, July 25, 2011

Max's Birthday, Pioneer Day, Missing Kamber

Rich and I had a busy and emotional last couple of days. We spent all day Sat. working around the house and yard getting ready for Max's first birthday party. It's always fun to get together with all the kids, but lots of work. Sunday started with Rich's meetings at 6:00 a.m. I never have gotten a good answer for why they need to start so early, I guess it makes sense to them. I got my dinner ready, myself presentable and off to church we went. It was Pioneer Day so I knew the talks and music would be about the pioneers. As I sat in church thinking about all my ancestors who sacrificed everything to have religious freedom and made that terrible trip across the plains and mountains, I felt such reverence for them. How thankful I am to have been born in this time and not been asked to leave everything behind and come out West. Sundays are always a day to reflect on the spiritual things in our lives. Knowing that today would be the third year anniversary of the passing of our granddaughter Kamber found us emotional and a little out of sorts. It seems like the more time that passes makes it easier to accept but there is still that deep part in your heart that is empty. I got on the computer and read all I could on the death of little children, thinking it would help, it didn't. So this morning as I was reading my scriptures the thought kept coming in to my mind about the scripture that says, "I do not know the meaning of all things, but I know that God loves his children." (1 Nephi 11:17) So today I'm going to do things I know Kamber would want me to do. I'm going to try and be happy, no moping around feeling sorry for myself. I'm going to work on a quilt because she loved her quilts. I'm going to do as much as I can to live the commandments and to serve others. I look at Kamber as our little "pioneer" who is waiting for us to join her, if we are worthy, on the other side. I can't wait to see her and hug her and hopefully she will be proud of my efforts.

1 comment:

mrs. dph said...

I love that scripture so much--one of my very favorites. Thank you for this beautiful post!