Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Empty Nesting" = Lonely but Quiet

Rich and I have been truly "empty nesters" this weekend. Mindi, Dave and the kids went to Willcox for the funeral of his Dad. Spencer and Annie went to Spokane for a football camp, and Candi and Ethan are busy working and spending time with their families. I have been alone most of the day with Rich busy trying to finish up jobs and do service wherever needed. He's now off to the Temple, so I'm trying to find somewhere to go so I'm not alone all evening. I went to the doctor on Thurs. to get my cortisone shot. I had prepared for the worst and had anxiety all day worrying about it. I was even warned by a friend that it "hurts like hell." On the way down to my appointment I was telling Mindi how scared I was and I hated being in this place of constant pain. She then reminded me that I had four children without any pain relief so certainly I can handle a little shot. The doctor put at least five different medications in a shot, sprayed my hip with a cold numbing agent and then started shooting the medicine in. I was totally prepared to rip Rich's arm off and say some really bad words, but you know it really didn't hurt. It was a little bit like a stinging sensation when the medicine went in and I had a warm feeling come across my arms but I was so happy to have gotten through it. The first night was almost total relief, other than the terrible headache that came on at 3:00 a.m. I think two of the drugs are numbing, it felt wonderful to be out of pain. He also told me that if I got some relief that was a good sign. I'm being "cautiously optimistic" hoping for the best. I have another appointment for August if this shot doesn't do the job I can have two more. I am thankful for doctors and modern medicine we are truly blessed to live in this time. I went to see my parents yesterday at their humble little house in Scottsdale. As we left I felt so blessed that they are still with us at 82 years old. They still live in their house and can take care of eachother, I hope they are with us for a long, long time.

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