Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm So Smelly!

I am still trying to ease the pain in my back and hoping I will soon be back to my normal activities. I am sad to say that Mindi just left to go to Hobby Lobby, the grocery store and Wal Mart without me. I should be thankful for that! Anyway, I was recently told by someone close to me that I am a hypocrite. First of all I am well aware of my many faults. I remember a Bishop once said that if we could smell our sins we wouldn't be able to be around each other. I feel like I'm in that category. I have been hurt by this comment but it has given me a reason to reflect on my life and try to correct some of my bad qualities. I remember as a teenager arguing with my Dad. We were so much a like that I know I drove him crazy. He could see himself in me and wanted to keep me from making the same mistakes he did. During one argument he said, "Teri, you will never be as smart as you think you are right now." Wow! was he right, the older I get the more I realize how truly clueless I am. As we both have matured and I have had children of my own, he has told me many times that he wishes he could go back and raise me again, that he would do it different this time. Rich and I were talking the other day about his dysfunctional childhood and the struggles he had. How when we were raising our kids he wished that he had done things different and better. I reminded him that I feel like we did the best we could at that time. It is hard being the parent of young children, being responsible for everything they need both physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I think that MOST parents do their very best to raise good kids with all that they must overcome from their own childhoods. As a parent and a grandparent I know I should be a better example. I try to be helpful and kind but I am just a mortal person with all the broken and flawed parts as everyone else. I feel at times that we can see the faults in everyone else but fail to see our own huge flaws. I know when I judge others and find faults in those around me, it just comes back to bite me on the behind. I will continue to work on my hypocrisy and hopefully someday I will overcome that huge flaw in my character.

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