Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Mustard Seed of Faith

I found out yesterday that a dear friend of mine had suffered a tragic loss. As I visited with her about what had happened I heard in her voice a sense of sadness, confusion, bewilderment, and just plain "what the bleep" just happened. It took me back nineteen months ago when I got the word that Kamber was gone. I will never forget the thoughts and confusion that set in as I tried to wrap my brain around that tragic accident. I have been thinking a lot lately about how as mortals we really don't see the big picture. I think I know that we lived in Heaven before coming to earth, and that after a specific time of learning, living and having trials, we will return to live in Heaven again. But, I can't really comprehend what is going to happen when I take my last breath here. I try to exercise my "mustard seed" of faith and hope that my loved ones who have already passed on will be there to greet me, but maybe I will be in spirit prison with people I don't even know. We all got together last night so Candi could do her "Larsen family haircut extravaganza" and as we were talking about things in our lives, Spencer brought up the fact that when Joseph Smith saw where we would go after death, he couldn't believe how wonderful it was. Tomorrow we will celebrate Kamber's fourth birthday. Hopefully she will see all her extended family at the cemetery and at Ethan and Jenn's home thanking our Heavenly Father for the two and a half short years we were able to enjoy her. She was a pistol and we would give anything in our power to experience all those things we should be able to while she was growing up. Unfortunately, that wasn't the pathway she would walk. We understand that at any minute life can change. I was so spiritually unprepared for this experience. I know our family has been changed with this accident and hopefully we will be able to help others who must walk in our footsteps. As I told my friend yesterday, it will take months and months to be able to fully understand and even then it is a long, long journey
that she has just started.

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