Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Turning into the Grinch

I have spent the better part of two days putting up all my Christmas crap. As I was taking it all down I was wondering why I do it in the first place. I have a sister who doesn't even put a tree up. I'm thinking that's the way I'm heading next year. I absolutely love things about Christmas. I love the music, the lights, the kindness shown to everyone close to me, but I hate how busy of a time it is. There is always something to do, shopping, cooking, planning dinners, wrapping, and then cleaning up after all these activities. It seems like after Christmas I always go into a little depression. Not bad enough to medicate myself, but just enough to put me in the toilet for a little while. I would say it is more of a letdown. Now I need to worry about the new year. All the resolutions I have made for the last 35 years to lose weight, exercise more, be a better Mother, forgive more easily and work on my potty mouth. Here it is again and I'm still not doing very well changing the things about me that I hate. I don't know what 2010 will bring, after being blindsided by the death of Kamber in 2008, anything is possible. Hopefully we will get a little bit farther down the road of grief and the sting of her death will get a little bit less painful. The birth of a new grandchild is something to look forward to, and who knows maybe there will be a magic pill for weight loss coming this year. Maybe Obamacare will pass and I can get a hip replacement, ha ha, I even know that's not going to happen. Maybe we will win the Powerball, oh I know that won't happen either because "you can't win if you don't play." Anyway, I have rambled enough about the woes of Teri, I guess I will just go run some errands and then get home in time to take a nice afternoon nap. Now that sounds like a good idea to me. Maybe my attitude will be better when I wake up, but on the other hand maybe I will still be in the toilet.

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