Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Getting Ready for Christmas

I was so glad when Thanksgiving was over. Last week just about did me in with the stress of remodeling, cleaning and entertaining, but it was so nice to have everyone over. The problem was that I started taking down my Fall decorations after everyone left and on Saturday we put up our lights on the house. This weekend is our ward party and Rich and I have been asked to help, which means Saturday will be too busy for light hanging. I hate it when there's less than four weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yesterday I had Rich take down all my Christmas decorations and spent the day hanging pictures, swags and anything else I could put up. I woke up so tired this morning but felt I needed to get out of my house. We decided to do a Hobby Lobby/Walmart run but after seeing the crowds and dragging a two year old around the store touching everything, we decided to leave and go back when her Daddy could watch her. The weather is suppose to turn really cold later this week and I just want to go in my sewing room and make a quilt. It seems like it's been so long since I've been able to just work with the fabric and make something with my hands. So hopefully I can do some sewing in between shopping and running errands. Sometimes I become so overwhelmed with life, that it takes all the joy out of the holidays and I can tell my mood shifting and taking me somewhere I don't want to go. Maybe another trip to the store might help, but I think maybe a nap may be better for me, besides I need to tackle that tree decorating sometime this week, boy am I tired.

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