Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Released My Burdens and Fasted

Last night we had a Relief Society activity where we had speakers who talked about their burdens and adversity. We sipped on smoothies as our sweet Patriarch talked to us about challenges he has had and what a tender man, who shared his testimony with us. After it was over we each took a white balloon representing out burdens, and let it go into the night sky. As I stood there looking at all those beautiful women, who each one is dealing with their own burdens, I was humbled. When I came home and was getting ready for bed, Rich reminded me that today was the day he signed us up for the "40 day fast" our ward is doing. I'm pretty clueless, so I didn't really understand what we were fasting for, until he told me it was for Missionary Work. I'm sad to say that I'm not a very good missionary because I'm kind of a hermit, and have a hard time engaging people about the gospel. My testimony is strong, but sometimes I just assume that those that want to be members of the church will find a way for it to happen. Anyway, since I was fasting I decided to take the opportunity to go get some blood work done that needs to be done while fasting. It has been a long time since I've actually fasted because I take some medications and it makes me feel so weird, I just never do it. Last night I decided that if Rich was going to fast while working in the heat, I could try and fast here at home. I made it for seventeen hours before I started getting a headache and felt shaky. As my Mom called before going to the Temple I told her that I felt bad I couldn't fast longer, she said, "you fast as long as you can, we do the best we can and hope that is good enough." That is what I want most out of life, to do the best I can and for that to be good enough.

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