Friday, April 27, 2012

I'm Done Shopping For Awhile

Candi called yesterday to see if I wanted to go to the mall with her. At first I said no because my hair looked terrible and I didn't feel like getting ready. Then I changed my mind, and after a shower and a little makeup, off  we went to lunch and then had a nice time walking and walking and walking the mall. Then today Mindi wanted to go check out the sale at Dillard's so after she took poor sick Trulie to the doctor, we went shopping again. As we headed out to the Mall we remembered about a bridal shower we have tomorrow, so we went and got a shower gift and then walked and walked again. By the time we left the mall this poor crippled grandma was about in tears. I came home and took some pain medication and layed down for about an hour when Mindi came in and told me if we were getting groceries, we had to go NOW! So after shopping for two days straight I feel like staying in bed for a long time. This morning my Mom called and told me a little story about Camilla Eyring. She is the wife of the Prophet Spencer W. Kimball and a cousin to my Grandma Fern. I loved Pres. Kimball so much we named our son Spencer after him and my brother Lennie. Anyway, my Mom wanted to read me something out of Camilla's book she is reading. It says, "For years Camilla suffered painful arthritis and rheumatism in her hands and knees. Uncomplaining, she used mild pain killers only when the discomfort became too great. A fall on the ice injured her right shoulder so that even with cortisone shots her shoulder thereafter rarely stopped hurting. Sometimes she could not raise her arm to comb her hair, but she bore pain stoically, not wanting Spencer or others to have to worry about her." Unlike me I complain about the pain and don't care if Rich worries about me, ha ha, no I wish I was more like Camilla and just suffered in silence, that's just not who I am.

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