Thursday, April 19, 2012

For the last couple of weeks a friend and I have been working on a quilt for the Young Women's Auction. Well, we had the auction last night and a really nice guy in our ward bought it for his wife for $90. Eventhough the materials were just a little bit less than that and the hours spent making it, I was just glad it sold. I have been told many times that I need to make quilts and sell them, but they can only be a "labor of love" for me, not to make money. That to me makes them less special. Most of my little grand kids love their quilts, in fact I have been told by a few of them that they want newer and bigger ones. Hopefully I can start some of them soon. I would say that Mindi and I are really good and responsible pet owners. Rich even accuses me of loving my animals more than him. Sometimes I do because they don't talk back and they usually do what I want them to. Anyway, last week we sent Bella and Poochie off to the groomers. They were looking terrible and needed a good shower and shave. Mindi got a call from the girl that took them out to the groomers that went something like this. "UM you knew Bella is pregnant right?" Mindi then said, "we thought she looked like she's gotten fatter, but NO we didn't know she's expecting." Rich and I were out to dinner and had run into some friends so we talked for three hours over dinner. When we got in the car Rich noticed we missed two calls from Mindi's phone and two from Dave's. I was just praying there wasn't an emergency but no, just the happy news that we are having puppies again. Poor Bella, street walking Bella. The only male dog we have is a 90 pound English Retiever who is pretty young and not that bright. We may have to do DNA testing to find out who to sue for paternity. One of Mindi's friends suggested we go on Maury to find out "Who's Your Daddy?" It seems like there is always something in my life to throw me for a loop, when is it going to be time for me to just sit in the rocking chair on the porch and watch the sunset? Probably never.

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