Saturday, April 21, 2012

Heavy Heart

I woke up early this morning with pain in my hip and my heart. On Thurs. night as I went into the bathroom by my back door I could hear some loud growling and fighting coming from the yard. I went outside, called for the dogs and then yelled at Rich and Dave that I needed them to hurry, I needed some help. Rich ran out one door and came back with one of our dogs saying "Liberty is dead." What? He layed her on the porch and I started to do chest compressions and told Mindi to blow in her nose and mouth which I continued to do for about fifteen minutes trying to revive her. Mindi finally said, "Mom she's gone." I don't know what happened. These golden retrievers and Spencer's white lab had obviously had an issue and something happened to cause the death of a totally healthy, expensive dog. I am heartbroken, we were just about to be able to breed her and now she is dead. This morning as I got up and ready for the day the phone rang and my cleaning girl isn't coming. Sometimes she isn't that reliable, so I'm on my own today with the cleaning and laundry. Rich had to work, Mindi went to Tristyn's volleyball tournament and Dave is running the boys to their football games all day. It also doesn't help that it's going to hit 100 degrees today. After I fed my animals I came in and decided I would spend some time reading my scriptures, seeing if maybe that would help my mood. I opened them up and was in Mormon: 9. This chapter talks about the peoples unbelief of the existence of Christ. As I kept reading it talked about the resurrection "which an endless sleep, from which sleep all men shall be awakened by the power of God when the trump shall sound; and they shall come forth, both small and great, and all stand before his bar, being redeemed and loosed from this eternal band of death, which is a temporal death." Then the verse that spoke to my spirit, "And then cometh the judgment of the Holy One upon them; and then cometh the time that he that is filthy shall be filthy still; and he that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is happy shall be happy still; and he that is unhappy shall be unhappy still." I need to hurry and get happy because I don't want to spend the eternities unhappy. As I had Trent and Troy go out with me to help feed this morning Trent said something like this, "Liberty is in heaven now right?" I said, "she's up their with Haley, Harley, Hannah and all the chickens and rabbits they have killed." Then in Trent's sweet voice he said, "maybe she's with Kamber too."  All I could say was, "I sure hope so."

1 comment:

Flip flop Queen! said...

Kamber has lots of pets in heaven and I'm sure she is loving taking care of them. Remember Annie's dream of Kamber? She was playing with puppies and she did love animals.