Monday, April 30, 2012

No Puppies and No Pool

After my marathon shopping experience last week I spent most of the weekend resting. Other than the bridal shower, high priest party and church, I stayed home and tried to recover. Rich has decided that in order to get rid of the black algae in our pool he will drain it, power wash it, fix anything he needs to and then we can fill it back up. My birthday is coming in 23 days so I sure hope I'll be swimming by then. Bella still hasn't had her puppies. She looks like she's going to pop. Mindi has been taking her temperature everyday to see if maybe she is in labor but nothing yet, just a dog that puts her tail down and runs away when she sees the rectal thermometer coming her way. After one of my rabbits died on Sat. and my niece Mary having to put her dog Bailey to sleep yesterday, I can see why some people don't want animals. My parents never let me have any pets when growing up, so I have made up for it as an adult. Sounds like maybe some therapy is needed. It is one thing to have a few pets but a petting zoo causes me so much trouble you would think I would learn. Rich has decided to make a huge hill in our backyard and put some plants on it. I still think he's been out in the heat too much but he worked on it all day Sat. He saw one in a backyard near our house so he thinks he needs one back there. I gave him my opinion about the "hill" last night but he thinks it will look good and be fun for the grand kids. Life continues to move along, we get closer and closer to those 100 plus temperatures, so I'm trying to just brace for the heat and hope we survive.

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