Monday, August 15, 2011

Tired of Being Tired

For the last couple of days I've just felt tired. Not just physically tired but tired of everything. Sometimes I go through these moods where I need a change. I don't want to be me anymore. I don't want to live here anymore. I really don't know who, what or where I want to be or go, I just know that I'm tired of the status quo. Yesterday as I was getting ready for church I had my CD playing of Hillary Weeks. I love the messages in her songs and when the song "Come Take Your Place" started playing I couldn't stop the tears. The first time I heard this was on Kamber's video that was played at her viewing. I still haven't been able to watch it after three years, but I love the songs Ethan and Jenn picked for her. Anyway, as I was listening to the words some of them just popped out at me. Lyrics like, "there's a voice in your heart telling you who you are. You are the brave, the strong and the faithful, you've been saved for this moment in time. You hear the call, you feel the flame you're prepared, so come take your place." Then the final one was, "you are right where you belong." Huh! If I'm right where I belong then why isn't my life rainbows and butterflies? Then reality set in and I realized that this life is a test for all of us. Can I endure the trials I am given? Sometimes I feel a big fat NO but other times I just kind of shuffle around trying to do my best. I finally finished my little book "Embraced By The Light." At the very end after she talks about her near death experience she explains the most important message she got. "We are to love one another.We are to be kind, to be tolerant, to give generous service. It is simply a matter of following the Savior"s message which is, "Above all else, love one another." Maybe that's my answer to being tired, we'll see.

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