Friday, August 12, 2011

Could It Be Cooling Down?

Mindi and I just got home from the grocery store, trying to get everything we need for Sunday dinner and the weekend. I hate shopping on Sat. it's way too busy for someone with social phobias. As we got out of the car we both noticed a slight cool breeze. What? A cool breeze in Arizona in August. The weather forecasters keep promising monsoon storms but sometimes I don't think they know what they're talking about. I told my cleaning girl I would do my house every other week so today I've been busy doing laundry, dishes, bathrooms and dusting. I'll finish the floors tomorrow when Rich is finished walking in and out a hundred times while working in the yard. I finished a little quilt for my precious Abney in Colorado. Her birthday is on Mon. so the package should get there by then. Spencer played in the first game of the season last night in Dallas. He gave me a call to tell me he had a good game and didn't get hurt. The game is going to be on TV tonight. I really need to work on my faith because every time I know he is traveling or playing I get so worried he will get hurt. This is a big year for him because it's the last year on his contract, so we a praying for a good healthy football season. My niece is getting married in Oct. so we are giving her a bridal shower in Sept. It makes me SO crazy when I know a bunch of people are coming to my house. I've been making mental notes for the last week on all that needs to get done before I can feel good about hosting this event. The one good thing about having a party here is that it gets Rich motivated to do all the stuff that has needed to be done for a long time. It's been almost a year since my hip surgery. Mindi and I were just talking about how hard it is living with chronic pain. Sometimes I wonder if it was the right thing to do. I don't think I really realized how hard it would be to recover. Mindi seems to think I would be in a wheelchair without the surgery, so if that's true then it was a success. I guess that's what life is all about, choices and consequences.

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