Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Searching for the Light

Rich turned to me the other morning and asked me if I thought I needed to get on some medication. What, the twenty pills I take a day aren't enough? I can laugh about it now but at the time I was in a deep dark hole not knowing if I could ever crawl out. I know that life is suppose to teach us to be more like the Savior and be tested as to what kind of life we will live, but some trials are enough to put us under. I know there are things that are happening in the world that are so horrible I don't even want to think about the starving people in Africa and the homeless ones in Japan. Where is the JOY we are promised? I feel guilty because sometimes I'm just overwhelmed with getting my dishes done and my laundry put away. I worry about my parents as they move into their 80's, how much longer will they be around? What about the nasty world my grandchildren are going to live in? When will the NFL and the players stop acting like babies and get a deal done? Yesterday my Mom called to try and pull me up out of the dungeon. She wanted to know if I was practicing my piano. I took five years of piano lessons but when she finally realized it was a waste of her money she let me quit. Oh how I wish I could play those hymns and primary songs I love so much. Maybe that would be good therapy for me. I did have success playing high school and college volleyball but after knee injuries and childbirth that was over too. Next week is Mother's Day one of my most favorite days, right up there with my Birthday. Yippee! That's coming soon also. I know there is a light out there somewhere, it's my responsibility to search for it and hopefully find it some day.

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