Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Visit with Mom and Dad

Yesterday was suppose to be the big day we learned the gender of Mindi's baby. I have bought a lot of girl material in hopes this will be another grand daughter. She found a place in Phoenix that does them cheaper than her doctor so I decided to have her drop Troy and I off at my parents house in Scottsdale and then she and Dave would go to the appointment. Well, it ended up that Tristyn and Trace both weren't feeling well so they were home to watch Troy. I was all ready to go so I went for the ride anyway. I don't get to visit at my parents house much because I don't drive by myself and most of the time we are way busy. When we got there at 10:30 a.m. they were just having breakfast. Is that what old people do? Anyway, it was fun talking to them about my challenges and getting their opinion on what I should do. I always knew my parents loved me, but at times I was a brat. It is nice to be at peace with them and so appreciate all they have sacrificed for me. Whenever there is a need they have always been there for support. As a young mother and even now as a grand mother I fall short time and time again. Rich and I know we didn't do the right things all the time. Some of my children still struggle with our imperfections and that makes me so sad. I know my parents did the best they could and I feel that I tried the very best to be a good example to my children. I hope in the end it was good enough. As it turned out with Mindi, the baby had HER legs crossed so they didn't get a good shot of her "privates" but we are confident it is a girl, or should I say hopeful it is. As long as we don't see any boy parts we will keep on hoping.

1 comment:

The McNeil Family said...

Yay!! So exciting!! Poor mindi dealing with sick kids!