Thursday, March 10, 2011

Finally a Girl!

I've spent the last two days trying to fight off a headache. I don't know if it's the change in the weather or just stress. On Tues. I went to Scottsdale with Mindi, she had an appointment to see if they could make sure about the gender of her baby and I visited with my parents. We were waiting patiently for the call and it seemed like it was taking forever. I started to have terrible anxiety worrying that maybe something was wrong. Rich even called while he was busy working to see if we had heard anything. After about two hours we finally got the news that everything was okay and it is for sure a GIRL! I am so excited because girl stuff is so much cuter and more fun to shop for than boys. Although I do adore all my little grand sons it will be fun to have another girl and darn it, Tristyn needs a sister even if they will be thirteen years apart. Last night we got irrigation at 3:30 a.m. and I hate it when we get it during the night. I woke up at 4:45 and it was already up on my porch which means Rich needed to go out and send it down the ditch. When Mindi and I went out to feed the animals this morning I saw that my big pregnant momma rabbit had dug a hole and joined her male friend on the other side. So here we are a fat crippled almost 58 year-old and a four month pregnant lady wandering in the irrigation catching rabbits and shoveling dirt. Mindi was holding my big momma and I wanted to take a picture of her for posterity but she wouldn't have any part of that. As we were putting the rabbits back in their pen she said, "we have WAY to many freaking animals!" You Think! It's spring so all the animals are having babies, we have had six baby chicks hatch these last two weeks. We have also found three scorpions this week, good thing Annie is in Colorado because she thinks they are creepy. Life continues to teach me lessons I need to learn, hopefully I can be a good student.

1 comment:

Diane... said...

saw your mom at the temple Wed. night...what a lovely lady!!!
congrats on another grand girl...that is awesome!! we are getting one too in a couple of months...feeling blessed!!!
still loving your music Teri...sometimes I just tune into your blog to listen and then...I read your posts :) take care!!!!