Wednesday, March 16, 2011

FLU When It's 90 Degrees?

I woke up this morning at 4:45 a.m. and my hip was killing me. Rich was getting ready to leave for the gym so I asked him to please get me an ice pack and an Aleve before he left. As I got up to use the restroom I started to shiver and my teeth were even chattering. As Rich brought the ice in I thought maybe I should use the heating pad and try to get the chills to go away. I also took my blood pressure and it registered 185/85. I didn't know if I was having a heart attack, a stroke or maybe just a flu bug. I asked Rich to stay with me because I didn't know if I was going to live or die at that point. He was nice and got back into bed with his gym clothes on waiting for me to feel better. I finally took some more pain reliever and fell asleep until around 7:30 a.m. When I got up it felt like my arms weighed at least 50 lbs. each and I was aching all over my body. It felt like someone hit me on the back of my neck with a baseball bat. Mindi's kids have all had strep throat the last two weeks, but my throat didn't hurt. I have spent all day in bed except to get up to make some chicken noodle soup and finally took a hot bath to see if I could calm down all the aches and pains. I had such high hopes today that I could get some of my projects done, but the dishes are still in the dishwasher and I have four loads of laundry to do. I may try and walk out to see if my animals are all still alive but then I will be back on the bed for the evening. How can you get the flu when it's 90 degrees outside. Anyway, I am hoping tomorrow will be a better day, it is spring break and I was hoping to have some fun, but maybe that isn't in the cards either. I hate being sick! It takes a day in bed getting bed sores to appreciate feeling good enough to do the mundane chores around this house. Hopefully the sun will come up tomorrow and I will be feeling better, I'm tired of watching t.v. and drinking gatorade.

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