Thursday, March 17, 2011

Feeling SO Much Better!

Wow, what a difference a day makes. I was so happy when I woke up this morning and actually felt pretty good. It was nice to get up and have the energy to fix breakfast, unload my dishwasher and do three loads of laundry, so far. When I went out to feed my animals Mindi had her three boys out picking up the yard and Trace was mowing. How nice is it to have three boys coming up the ranks for Rich to torment into working around the house. Hopefully they will take advantage of his expertise and learn how to work hard. After we were done in the back I needed to water the flowers out in front. It has been in the 90's the last couple of days so everything is thirsty. Rich kills himself in Oct. and Nov. so that we can have these beautiful flowers for the spring. I like the animals and he likes the flowers, so his joke is always, "you're the rancher and I'm the farmer." Not really because I could never raise an animal that I would be expected to butcher and actually cook and eat it. I just pretend they make meat at the grocery store so I don't have to think too much about where it comes from. I have been told many times that I should be a vegetarian because of my soft heart towards God's creatures. I have been working hard on a couple of quilts for some very special little people in my life, we have some birthdays coming up so I need to get them finished. We never get to go anywhere for spring break so I'm just pretending that my Colorado and Utah trips were taken instead of going to Aruba for spring break. Ha Ha! I feel so good today I took a shower and actually put a bra on. You know I'm feeling good when I get completely dressed. I put on this stupid shirt I bought a few years ago that is black with "Happy St. Patrick's Day" on it in rhinestones. I wore it for about a minute until I saw how stupid I looked in the mirror. So off it came and I put on a green Reebok tee shirt I bought with Spencer's money, much better for me. Our family doesn't have any Irish decedents that we know of so we won't be cooking the brisket and cabbage today, probably more on the lines of enchiladas and tostadas, but for everyone celebrating today, "Happy St. Patrick's Day."


The McNeil Family said...

House looks beautiful with those flower and green grass.. I keep wishing one of thes days I will have a bigger n a house with a little bigger yArd!!

MaryBeth said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Your flowers are so beautiful I have 1 primrose that is blooming and that is it. It is still too early to get the flowers planted. I can't wait for warmer weather. Congrats on the girl grand baby.