Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thankful for a Workaholic

I am embarrassed to say that I have done my fair share of complaining about being married to a workaholic. I have blamed that for everything from my weight problem to my anxiety. If anyone knows Rich they soon understand that he loves to work. He loves to be busy doing something; anything. He is always trying to make this earth a better and prettier place. He is the one who plants the flowers in our front yard every year. He has helped many scouts get their Eagle Projects done even though he was never an Eagle Scout. (I think they need to give him an honorary Eagle for all the time and money he has donated.) Anyway, I was just outside working and realized how blessed I am to have a husband who enjoys working and is so generous. He has given away so much time and money it amazes me. I haven't always been nice about it but as our economy has gone to hell, I was just thinking how blessed I am to be married to someone who understands what it takes to keep us going. I think we are all being humbled and we need to get our lives in order because we don't have a clue how bad it will truly get before our economy rebounds. My attitude has changed, instead of resenting him for working all day Saturday, I'm grateful he has work. I still don't know if we can pull out of this hole and keep our business going, but I know Rich will do everything possible. In Primary this year the kids are singing a song in the program called "The Family Is of God." The second verse says, "A father's place is to preside, provide, to love and teach the gospel to his children. A father leads in family prayer to share their love for Father in Heaven." I hope my sons and sons-in law will realize how important it is to work hard in everything they do to be an example to their children. I haven't always appreciated all that Rich has done for me, but my eyes have been opened now.

1 comment:

Lis said...

Hey Aunt Teri I need your E-mail so I can add you to my blog. Matt would only ok the project if I locked it.
