Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Best We Can Be

Once a month I go to an appointment where I work on myself. He usually asks me what I want to get out of our session together. The answer is usually, "joy, peace, acceptance or happiness." Yesterday was different. I said, "I want to be skinny." According to my Mother I was so small when born they couldn't find any shoes to fit my little feet. Now that I wear a size 11 I find that hard to believe. Even as a young child and in my teenage years I was bigger than all my friends. I wasn't fat, just very muscular and athletic. I have never been happy no matter what. As I think about it I became so sad that my whole life I have wanted to be something different than what I am. When I was going to ASU in one of my classes I remember the Professor saying, "The only way to guarantee a thin body is to choose your parents." Okay, then why didn't I choose skinny parents? (Well, my Mom is quite thin, but I guess us kids got the large genes from my Father's side.) As I have thought about it today I need to be thankful for my body and for my parents for giving me the best they had. I look at my kids and I'm thankful for the health they have. I know that if I were very petite Spencer wouldn't be in the NFL. I did the best I could with what I had to offer, years and years of DNA passed down from my ancestors who were pioneers and came across the plains and lived to tell about it. I do want to drop some lbs. and feel good about myself, but most of all I want to be happy with the person I am inside and out.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You are so good at posting to your blog. I don't get to mine very much. I must say that I love you inside and out, too.