Monday, September 14, 2009

"Bump In The Road"

Yesterday was suppose to be an exciting day. It was opening day for the NFL and Spencer was in Cincinnati to play the Bengals. I got up early and got the animals fed and watched "Music and the Spoken Word," then hit the showers. I wanted to be ready to sit and watch the game before going to church at 12:30 p.m. Just as the game came on and kickoff was announced my phone rang. As I looked at the number it was Spencer's cell number. I went in to Rich and said, "something weird just happened, Spencer's number came up and then hung up." He was now watching the game and we didn't see Spencer on the special team play. Just then the phone rang again and this time it was from a number we didn't recognize. It was Spencer telling us that he had an unfortunate slip in the locker room and hurt his shoulder. He wouldn't be playing and he wanted to let us know that we wouldn't be seeing him during the game and didn't want us to worry. To say that Rich and I were disappointed would be an understatement. We watched the game until we had to leave for church and then went to our meetings. As I sat in church I just couldn't believe this was happening. He's worked so hard and put so much effort in making the team and then he gets hurt before the game even starts. What in the he*$ is going on? Anyway, as we talked to Annie during the day and then Spencer last night and today, what can we do about it? He seems to be upbeat and doing well. He has had injuries before that he has had to overcome. He will survive. As Rich and I went to bed last night we talked about what had happened during the day. I said, "After losing Kamber, this adversity doesn't even compare, I know what hell is." He said, "We just have to look at it as if he got hurt at work." Life isn't fair. I had someone tell me once that the first four letters of FAIRYTALE is Fair. As Rich always says, "this is just another bump in the road." I hate it when he says that!

1 comment:

The McNeil Family said...

Matt and I wondered what happened to him. We watch the game, and noticed that spencer wasn't anywhere to be seen. That really stinks that he fell and hurt his shoulder. I hope he gets better soon. Our prayers are with him.