Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Pain Relief and New Grandbaby

After suffering in pain for a few weeks, I finally went in two weeks ago to get some x-rays. When I was seeing my primary care doctor she recommended that I see an orthopedic surgeon so I made an appointment. On Monday night I woke up at 3:30 a.m. in so much pain I was contemplating self amputation of some of my fingers. They felt huge swollen and numb as can be. After taking some pain relievers and putting ice on them, I finally got back to sleep at around 5:30. I was so glad that I had made that appointment and I went in yesterday afternoon. My doctor is a friend I went to high school with and I trust him completely. He has done both surgeries on my knee and when I finally get brave enough to have a knee replacement I will make sure he can do it. After listening to my complaints he told me I had bursitis in the rotator cuff in my shoulder and carpal tunnel in my right hand. He gave me a cortisone shot in the shoulder and then told me some things I can do to settle down my hand and fingers until we decide if I need surgery. I need some sort of a nerve test before he can fix my carpal tunnel, which he says is only a ten minute surgery. After the pain I was in Monday night I just want relief. It really is true that after fifty and especially sixty you start to fall apart. Having my hand so sore has put a damper on my sewing which I enjoy doing. I have about five quilt tops that need to be finished but when I'm not sleeping and in pain I have very little motivation to do anything. On our way home from the doctor yesterday my sister and I were talking about living with pain. She was talking about the pioneers and how hard it must have been to suffer with very little medical help for their illnesses and especially anything orthopedic. I'm so happy when anyone can help me relieve my suffering whether it's physical or mental. I wouldn't have made a good pioneer. Yesterday was Tyton's eighth birthday and Spencer invited me over to his in-laws for a cook-out to celebrate. It's always fun to see the cousins get together and play. Today is Ethan's birthday and I can't believe he is thirty-four already. My kids are getting old and so are my grandkids. I'm thankful for all of them and I'm so excited that we are going to have our twentieth grandchild born in November.  Annie is expecting their fifth, hopefully another girl which will make us an even ten boys and ten girls. Hopefully my hand will get better so I can start doing some sewing, baby quilts are my favorite to make.

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