Friday, April 3, 2015

Easter Pageant and Sleepover

After publishing my last post I felt maybe I was a little bit too honest about my mood. Sometimes I use my blog to vent about my problems that don't need to be part of my history. On the other hand I want to keep it real and honest let's face it, sometimes life gets pretty hard. Yesterday we decided to attend the Easter Pageant down at the Mesa Temple. I had asked Mom if she wanted to go and her pat answer was, "NO."  A couple of hours later she called to say my cousin Barb was coming over to give her a B-12 shot and that maybe she could bring her to the Temple. Two of my cousins, her husband and daughter were in the Pageant, so it was even better knowing they would be performing. We loaded up the kids in the mini-van stopped to get pizza and off we went to the Temple. The traffic was horrible but because I have a handicapped parking pass, it was much easier than I thought it would be. Mom and Barb had saved some seats for us and my niece Alishia and her boys were also there. We were lucky it was a nice warm night with a cool breeze as we sat and waited for it to start. A few minutes before the performance some of the cast members walk around and take pictures with the audience. It's amazing how many people you see that you know from years ago. As I sat and listened to the words and songs I had such a deep love for the Savior and all he's done for me. I was reminded that he knows and loves me and is aware of my struggles. As I looked around the audience there were lots of people in wheelchairs and walkers and I realized that I am not the only one with struggles and that I need to be thankful for mine and be happy. After it was over we brought Mom home for a sleepover. We are slowly trying to get her away from just staying in her house alone day after day and this is the first step. We are going to try it again Easter Sunday as we celebrate with our kids and grand kids, we also have three birthdays to celebrate so it will be a combo Easter/Birthday Extravaganza. I'm also excited to listen to Conference and feel the spirit there, it should be a good weekend.

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