Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Past My Prime

It seems like the older I get the busier I am. I like to be busy because it helps me forget some of my problems and distracts me from others. It has been fun having Spencer and Annie home although we haven't seen them much because they are busy with their two kids and her family. We got another welcomed announcement on Sat. at Trace's birthday party that we are going to be grandparents again. Spencer and Annie will have another baby in the summer. That will make four children and fourteen grandchildren. I know why as members of the church we are told to "multiply and replenish the earth" because that is the only way to have "joy in our posterity." On Monday Candi and Jenn came over with their children while we were working on a project. Candi was kind enough to bring her scissors and cut Mindi and my hair. That is always a treat and she sure saves us a ton of money. We will never regret helping her through cosmetology school. She is always so willing to help us out and will never know how much we appreciate her. Rich and I have really felt bad about what is happening in Haiti. It is weird how it is so hard to wrap your brain around something so devastating. The suffering is so great and I wonder sometimes why our Heavenly Father would let this happen? I feel the same way I did when we heard the news about Kamber, did this really happen? What could we have done to help or prevent it? I know that He allows these things to happen and that he could prevent it, but that wasn't His plan. Last night as we were getting ready for bed Rich suggested that we adopt a Haitian child. That went over like a lead balloon, or maybe more like a flushed toilet for me. I am toooooo old to take on raising little kids. I have a hard time keeping up with my grandchildren, in fact, I don't really keep up with them very well. I admire all the people who will take in foster children and adopt others who need homes, but I am way past my prime for that. Maybe some of my chldren should "jump on that grenade" but I would have to be around twenty-five years younger to take on some more children. Rich was talking to our Home Teachers last night about how he would love to go to Haiti and help. I wish he could go, I would miss him, but if he was in a position to go, I know he would. That is what we love about him.


Unknown said...

Teri thank you so much for bringing dinner to our family last week, I ate all the jello and loved it. I could see Rich going to Haiti and helping he is such a service oriented person we would all miss him but what a great thing he could help those people re-build their lives.

mrs. dph said...

Teri--its Tracie Haddock (Nichols) :) I was blog-hopping around and low and behold, I found you! I'm gonna blog stalk you now. :)

You are such a giver. I loved this post. Say hi to your family from me. . .


Judy (mom) said...

I love reading your blog from time to time. You always make me laugh and you tell things like they really are....that is what is special about you! I love Hillary Weeks and I really love this song you have on here....You are amazing!!!