Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Sabbath

Today was a nice Sabbath. Church was really good with a missionary farewell and a high counsel talk. They talked about the family and how important it is to teach your children to work and by serving others we learn to love those we serve. Mindi and I teach the 11-12 year-old girls in Primary. Today the lesson was on prayer and I always learn more than we teach. These girls are so smart that at times I feel we should just let them teach us. There was a quote in the lesson from Ezra Taft Benson, the 13th President of the church. He says "There is a great tendency for us in our prayers and in our pleadings with the Lord to ask for additional blessings. But sometimes I feel we need to devote more of our prayers to expressions of gratitude and thanksgiving for blessing already received." I am really going to try harder to pray with more gratitude, it is really hard for me to express my feelings of gratitude to those that are closest to me. Rich has been gone since Thur. traveling with my brother Lennie through New York and up to Canada where they served a mission together. They are now back in the USA in Boston to go to Spencer's football game against the Patriots tomorrow night. I hope they are having a good time. I don't sleep that well when he's gone so it will be good to get him home. Life isn't fair, he's going to the football game and I'm going to get a mammogram.

1 comment:

Alishia said...

You really got the raw end of the deal. A mammogram?? Good luck!