Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Having Gratitude For and During Trials

I really enjoyed listening to Conference this weekend. It was fun to hear my Brother's name read over the podium as he was called to serve as an Area Seventy. We are still wondering what this job will require of him, but whatever it is, I'm sure he will do a good job. One of my favorite talks was by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. If it's okay to have a crush on one of the Brethren, it would be me having a crush on him. He seems to be so kind and caring and be in touch with his feminine side, if that makes any sense. What I got from his talk was that no matter what horrible trial we are going through we need to have gratitude for it and during it. I hate adversity and trials. I like the easy peasy road. I don't like having problems whether they are physical, spiritual or emotional, it sends me over the edge. About a week ago I started feeling like I had a piece of popcorn stuck in my gums on a tooth way back in my mouth. I tried everything to get it out, flossing, gargling, picking it out with a toothpick and finally trying to use my fingernail to get it out. I finally gave up yesterday and called the dentist. After an exam and x-ray she informed me that my tooth had cracked and that was why it was making my gums  sore and inflamed. She needed to take my old gold crown off and grind it down for a new gold crown. Total cost with my discount, $900. So now I have a missing tooth on one side of my mouth and a temporary tooth on the other. It makes it quite hard to eat, so maybe I'll lose some weight while suffering with all these dental problems. Anyway, it seems like everyday I hear of someone who is going through something that is hard. Nothing stays the same and it seems like there are some really sad things going on in the world right now. Showing gratitude for those trials is something so hard to do, but I think must be very important for us to do.

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