Monday, August 13, 2012

Sunshine in my Soul Today?

Yesterday morning when I went out to feed my animals before church, I found one of my rabbits dead in the cage. With the temperatures around 113-115 degrees all week, I'm surprised that all of them haven't died. I brought him in and put him on my bench to bury when I got home. As I was getting ready and listening to a CD,  the song, "There is Sunshine in My Soul Today," came on. As I listened to the words "when the peaceful happy moments roll. When Jesus shows his smiling face, There is sunshine in my soul." I don't know why that made me so teary, I guess I wasn't feeling the sunshine at that time. Everywhere I look there are things to do and challenges to overcome. Sometimes I wonder where to start on my journey and don't know which trial I work on first. The last verse of the song says, "There is gladness in my should today, And Hope and praise and love, For blessings which he gives me now, For joys 'laid up' above." That's the only thing I can hope for now is that someday the joy, gladness and hope will carry me through.

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