Friday, August 10, 2012

Hoping For A Cooldown

This is the time of year when I'm done with summer. As I listened to the news this morning and they said it was going to be another record setting day at 115 degrees, I told Rich I need to find somewhere else to live in the summer because I'm going crazy. Who can live in these conditions? Even though our homes, cars, stores and everything else have air conditioning, it still is just plain old HOT. My animals are suffering and my Mom just called to let me know that they haven't had any cool air since yesterday afternoon. That can't be safe for two elderly people to be in a house without cooling. Hopefully the repairman will get there soon, otherwise we will have them come over with one of us kids. The good news is that by next Thurs. we will be back to a cool 105, so we can be thankful for that. As I was talking to a friend yesterday my question was, "are we just expected to endure all of these trials?" His answer was, "that is pretty much it." Life is going to be hard but I had no idea when I was young how bad it was going to get. As I was talking to Candi yesterday about how B.J.'s two nephews were doing after a terrible car accident after school on Wed. she said, "you know Mom it could be a whole lot worse." I'm thankful for my own adversity and know that some of it is self inflicted. I also know that the blessings I receive on a daily basis are appreciated. I'm going to look on the bright side for a minute, the kids are back in school, it's football season, and it might be ten degrees cooler by next week.YEH!

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