Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Rainbows, Butterflies & Chocolate Milk

I'm finishing up making twelve dozen green corn tamales to give away to friends and family, I'm tired and a little bit grouchy. I had a chiropractic appt. but had to miss it because Miss Trulie was still napping. It's a half day at school, so the little children will be home soon and Tristyn has her first volleyball game of the season tonight. What a busy life I live, full of things to do and places to go, constantly. We celebrated Dallas's birthday Monday night with a family party at Fuddruckers. The kids love to play the games in the back and try to win prizes worth about a dollar that end up costing a fortune. Oh Well, it's only money. As Rich and I were coming home after the organized chaos of the evening, we realized that having lots of children and grandchildren is so much fun, but it comes with some struggles also. As parents it's hard to let your kids go, hope they will choose to live the gospel and teach their children by example. We also know that each one of them have their free agency to choose for themselves how they will live. That's really scary for me, I was a stay at home Mom whose life work has been my kids, letting go is hard. I did the best I could but realize my short comings. Sometimes I'm afraid that I share too much of my disappointments on my blog and I seem really down, depressed and dark. Someone told me the other day they were told by someone that reads my blog that I'm not a very good example or positive influence on people. I don't try and sugar coat my life or my kids, my husband or feelings, maybe I should wait until my life is all rainbows, butterflies and chocolate milk before I write anymore, I'm sure that's going to happen soon.

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