Well, I lived to welcome in a new year. Every summer I ask Rich if we can move to Utah where the summers are cool, but because he HATES the cold we stay here. After this weekend I can honestly see why he wants to live in the warm climate. We have tried to keep our flowers, citrus trees and animals alive while the temperature got in the twenties out here. It is kind of nice because I can wear my winter clothes at least once before putting them away for another year. I spent New Years Eve alone while Rich went to the Stake Center to chaperon the little darlings in our stake. I was so tired from worrying about Spencer and Annie driving from Denver in the blizzard that it was nice to just go to bed.
I did go out to Ethan and Jenn's and have dinner but I wanted to get home before all the drunk drivers were out. It was fun having all my kids and grand kids together for the first time in a while. We took a picture of the two new babies and they were cute looking at each other. Mindi and I braved the cold and hit a few sales on Saturday and then Rich, Tristyn and I went to a wedding. It is always fun for me to see what decorations they have and food they serve. It was really pretty and the food was delicious.
Yesterday we had everyone over for a luncheon after the blessing of baby Abney. It is so stressful for me to have people come to my house because I feel like it needs to be spotless, which it never is. For some reason I have had terrible anxiety since my surgery. I struggled with the crowds in the stores and the church was packed because of the two baby blessings. When we were driving home I felt such an overwhelming feeling of stress that I began to cry. After losing one grand daughter and almost losing another I had to sit in the truck a minute to pull myself together. I'm reading a book that compares each one of us to Adam and Eve and how they went into to "lone and dreary world." Each one of us has to have trials and adversities in order to prepare us to return home to our Heavenly Father. I HATE trials. Some of the things we are asked to do are hideous. After Kamber passed away I wanted to go with her. I didn't think I would ever be able to be happy again. Some of that sadness still lingers on but I am determined to fight this for as long as my heart beats, that is all I can offer up for all the other blessings I have. So for the New Year my resolution is to try to BE and DO the best that I can and realize that I am here to prove myself worthy to return home to see those I love on the other side.
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