Monday, January 10, 2011

Mammograms, Quilts and Saving Dogs

I thought after the holidays things would get easier and less hectic. It seems like life just continues to get more complicated and busy. I got a letter reminding me that it has been a year since my last mammogram. Of course to get a paper to get one scheduled I need to see my doctor. So this week that I thought was going to be calm, has turned into another busy one. I have been really sad about the shooting in Tucson of the Congresswoman and nineteen other people. It sickens me that some crazy person would kill innocent people in the parking lot of a grocery store. When a family member dies unexpectedly it sends you in a tailspin that is really hard to get out of. I remember what a fog I was in, and how much it has changed the way I view my life now. I got a call from my son Sat. afternoon telling me that our dogs had gotten out of the fence and were running loose somewhere in Queen Creek. At first I got mad and then started praying for their safe return. They got out a couple of weeks ago and a nice girl called me and put them back in the yard, so I was hoping I would hear from someone soon. Every few minutes I would plead for help in finding them. They are big dogs so I was hoping someone would just find them and give me a call. I didn't hear from anyone until 9:45 sat. night. I got a call from a lady who found the dogs in the middle of the street and fearing they would be run over picked them up and took them to her house clear out in Chandler. Spencer took me out to retrieve Sonny and Sadie and they seemed happy to be home. I'm busy working on a quilt for Trace as his 10th birthday is next Sunday. So on and on life goes with quilts to make and mammograms to schedule. I wouldn't want it any other way.

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