Thursday, June 18, 2009

It Was Fun While It Lasted!

Well, the cat is out of the bag and the rumors are true, we will get a new Bishopric on Sunday. I think it is ironic that it will happen on Father's Day. As we met with the Stake Presidency last night we all felt a flood of emotions from humility to having been able to serve, to the sadness of moving on. I think we all feel like it would be selfish of us to stay any longer. There are men who need the opportunity to serve and dedicate the next five years to the members of the Gilbert 6th Ward. We absolutely love the people in our ward and appreciate all the love and support we have been given during these last five + years. The service that was rendered to us when our angel Kamber passed away last July meant so much to us and we will never forget it. We felt the prayers of our ward family and the love of our Heavenly Father stronger than we ever have before. We have prayed for you who are having trials and for all the families with missionaries who are out serving, We know what a sacrifice it is to send your 19 year-olds out into the wilderness to preach the gospel. We love you all and hope the new Bishopric will feel the same sustaining powers we have. As Rich said last night in our meeting, 'It's time for us to move on to the next village." Maybe we will even go on a vacation sometime soon, (don't count on it) but it sounded pretty good.

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