Sunday, June 14, 2009

Alone Time

This weekend has been really different for me. Mindi and Dave left Fiday afternoon to go to Pinedale to spend some time with the Moser family at Moser Mountain. I guess they have some land up there and the kids have fun playing with their cousins. Rich had to work on saturday so I was left here alone. My friend Marlene came over in the afternoon and we ate lunch and then I helped her make a baby quilt top. It was fun to have an adult to talk with and Marlene is fun to talk to.
This morning Rich left for Bishopric meetings at 7:00 a.m. and I was alone again until my friend Paula came to get me for church. Because I don't drive anymore and I don't even have a car, I depend on the kindness of others to move me from point A to point B. It felt really weird to have some alone time so I sat and watched "Music and the Spoken Word" on the BYU channel and then listened to a BYU Idaho devotional. The speaker was really good and he talked about how when we have adversity in our lives it changes the path and the direction we go. We learn things that we wouldn't have learned otherwise. Sometimes it just feels like we move from trial to trial, but I guess that is what gives us experiences to help us grow. If you would have told me a year ago what I would have to go through losing a grandchild and the pain, hurt, sadness and everything that comes with that, I think I would have just wanted to check out. As a family we have survived. We are coming up on a year and we are all still here. Life has a way of moving on. The sun keeps coming up and hopefully our testimonies are growing stronger. As we walk through the wilderness, I hope we are getting closer to the LIGHT.

1 comment:

Alishia said...

Teri - I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love reading your blog. I can't open your website without the tears coming as I look at the picture of your family at the top. The beautiful picture that is so perfect except for the little girl that is missing. I look and look at the picture and think about the strength of all of you. Your family is amazing!! You have pulled together like nothing I have ever seen!!

Then as I read, a wonderful sense of peace overwhelms me!! Your testimony rings clear as I read the words you type. Your hope, determination, and strength shine through your stories. I look up to you and admire you for all you have endured and for the smile you wear on your face as you try to make it through another day!!

I can only imagine how hard it must be, but remember you are not alone. I still pray for your family each and every day!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. I learn so much from you!! Thank you!