Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thank You Everyone

This week has been so crazy, what week isn't? We had Rich's birthday on Tues. and then mine was yesterday. I usually get really sad on my birthday, I think it is childhood trauma. My parents were both school teachers and so the last part of May was always hard for them. They were finishing up the year and getting report cards done and all the work that teachers have. As I'm getting older it's time to stop worrying about myself and start thinking of others. I try to make everyone elses birthdays nice, but it's hard to enjoy my own. I do want to thank all who thought of me yesterday. My kids were all so thoughtful and my visiting teachers and friends in my ward dropped off small gifts and I had some very nice phone calls from family and friends. Rich has even offered to fix a few things around the house for me, that always means a lot. My parents came over and we had Sandy's Burros from Mattas, Spencer and Annie are here from Colorado and they brought some friends with them. We had a lot of fun eating and laughing. Thanks again to everyone for thinking of me on my birthday it meant a ton to me. I love you all!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday, Teri!! It was sure good seeing you and Mindi at the mall the other day!