Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Grandbaby and Friend from the Past

Well, our children have done it again. Rich and I became grandparents to a darling little 6 lbs. 14 oz., 19 inches long baby girl. Spencer called early Sunday morning telling me that Annie was in labor, her pains were 8 minutes apart and she was just walking around their house in Colorado before she was heading to the hospital. The problem is he was in Cincinnati getting ready to play in the first game of the season against the Bengals. I guess he called his coach and told him the situation and he said, "well lets get you on a flight home fast." The next call I got was about 4:00 p.m. and he had just landed after a six hour flight, they were waiting at the hospital to break her water and deliver this baby. She was born at 6:02 p.m. Sunday night. This makes fourteen of these little darlings for us. It is also the first one to be born out of state and us not be able to go to the hospital and hold her or take pictures. Oh well, we knew it was going to happen sooner or later. We know this is really going to be a challenge for Annie. Spencer is in season so that means he will not be home to help her at all. She also has two of the most active little boys I have ever been around. We will be sending tons of prayers their way for the next six months.
I recently got an email from a dear friend and old neighbor who I have lost contact with for at least thirty years. She was a wonderful person and a great athlete. She was from California and played volleyball at BYU with a few of my friends from Arizona. I guess she found me as a friend of someone else on Facebook. I never get on my Facebook because I am so bad at the computer it just seems so confusing. Mindi gets tired of having to help me put pictures on my blog so asking her to help me do one more thing would send her over the edge. Anyway, its seems like I have needed to talk to this friend. She has lifted my spirits and encouraged me along in this decision I am trying to make about surgery. I appreciate that. I have often heard that Heavenly Father answers our prayers by those that are listening to the spirit and act upon those promptings. I have a wonderful family and many friends who I know love me by their continued worry and prayers given in my behalf. Thank you all so much!


Heidi said...

Please let Annie know I am here and would LOVE to help. I am truly serious about this!!!! Here is my cell number 720.771.7080 OH ~ Chris comes home tomorrow from his mission Woo Hoo!!!!

The McNeil Family said...

Congrats on your newest grand baby! I will pray for Annie poor girl!