Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fold Like a Warm Tortilla

What the *%$#! I told Rich last night I'm just about done. Three weeks ago I had oral surgery to take out a bad tooth. Then last week I had the flu, was in bed with fever and chilling. Then this whole week I've been fighting something that I think Miss Trulie passed along to me, coughing, headache and shortness of breath. It's been unusually warm this winter with temperatures up to 90 degrees today, so why is everyone sick? Anyway, enough of a rant for now because Rich is blaming me for giving him this virus, but he could have gotten it anywhere. Right? Yesterday as Mindi and I were running errands I could tell she was really discouraged. Nothing like having five kids and Valentine's Day to make you overwhelmed. As we were talking I could tell she is under a tremendous amount of stress, some of it she brings on herself, just like all of us, and some just because we are living on this earth at this time. I finally told her that even though we have so many blessings it is hard to keep things in to perspective and just enjoy the struggles of everyday. I have enjoyed watching some of the Olympics while lying in bed sick. I have never been on skis before and my ice skating experience ended when I did a belly flop on the ice in front of all the kids at Mutual. I really admire those athletes who train for years and years to perfect their skills and compete in the Olympics. Some excel under the stress and pressure while others seem to fold up like a warm tortilla. I think life is a little bit like the Olympics, we either hang in there and deal with the stress, or we crumble and fall, which unfortunately I do most of the time. All I want is to feel good, is that too much to ask?

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