Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Everyday Look For What You Did Right"

A few weeks before Christmas I started feeling pain in a tooth in the back of my mouth. Every time I would eat or drink anything hot, it would send me to my knees. I was too busy to see the dentist until the week before Christmas when it was so painful I made an appointment. When I went to my dentist they took an x-ray to see what the problem was. She looked at the x-ray and told me I just had a cavity and we agreed to wait until after the holidays to do anything about it. Last week was the day when I finally got brave enough to call and go in for the bad news. When she finally looked at the tooth she informed me that I had a bacterial infection under the crown. Not in the root of the tooth but between the roots. I was so happy to not need a root canal until I was informed that if a week of antibiotics doesn't kill the infection, I will need to have it pulled and either an implant or a bridge put in. DANG, I hate having dental problems. When I was a young girl I was so afraid to go to the dentist that they would have to sedate me,  just to get an exam. I've come a long way since then but still need my anti-anxiety drugs to make it through my treatment. I have had a rough couple of weeks dealing with some emotional and relationship issues. Why does life just seem to be so hard sometimes? This morning as I was listening to the television, they were talking about how hard it is for women who are trying to do it all. To raise children and be the bread winner and juggle all the responsibilities of being a Mom and working. I never did work out of the home but nevertheless I did feel overwhelmed and worn out. One of the Life Coaches said, "everyday you should look at all the things that you did right that day. Not dwelling on the negative things but just being thankful for the good." I look at my own children and they have all had challenges with sick kids, and trying to teach them right from wrong, and boy does it take lots of time and energy. Trulie is so hard right now, this morning she was throwing something at the television. Mindi is way more patient that I would have been, she would have gotten a spanking on the bottom if I were her Mom. That's the great thing about being grandma, it's not my problem.

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