Monday, April 29, 2013

"Happy Dance"

Last Sunday Rich and I were asked to meet with the Stake Presidency at the Stake Center. After some small talk, they released Rich from his position on the High Council. After spending five years in the Bishopric and three plus years on the High Council, it was time for him to move on. As we left the building I asked him if I should start my "happy dance" now, or wait until yesterday when the release was finalized in Stake Conference. I thought it would be such a happy moment for me and expressed how I hoped this would help Rich reconnect with our family and we would be able to spend more time with the kids and grand kids. As the day progressed I didn't feel like doing my happy dance. I felt "out of sorts" even a little bit depressed and agitated. I felt like maybe we should be heading on a cruise or a trip up to the mountains to sit in a chair under the pine trees. Then reality set in and I realized that just because he has been released doesn't mean we are retired from church work. I reflected on all the nights I stayed home alone as he was at meetings, at church youth dances, walking the Trek, going to girl's camp, and even those dreaded Scout meetings. Our family has truly been blessed through the sacrifices of the Lord's work. It has kept our minds off our own trials and sorrows. My Dad seems to be feeling better and it looks like he will still be here when Lennie gets home from his mission in eight short weeks. We are taking him up to the White Mountains to turn on the water and power to their summer home. Hopefully we will have many more trips with Dad up North and I know the guys are all going up fishing when Lennie gets home. Rich has been given the gift of hard work. He never seems to not have enough to do and it looks like he's picked up a few more jobs to add to his long list of people needing him. Plus I've started a list of my own that he needs to do here around the house. Some day I hope to be doing that happy dance before it gets too late and I can't dance at all.

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