Monday, November 26, 2012

"Live in Such a Way"

I hate Mondays almost as much as I hate 8:00 a.m. church. I missed out on Black Friday and probably going to pass on Cyber Monday. I'm still trying to get my house back to normal and all my pumpkins put away, plus I've been working on a couple of baby quilts for two of the grand kids. Ethan's baby Reagan turns one tomorrow, so I'm trying to get her quilt done and presents wrapped. Yesterday morning I woke up with a sick stomach. I felt nauseous and hoped I wasn't getting sick. Rich got ready for church but it was already 7:15 before I started feeling like I was going to be alright, too late to get presentable. I hate missing church because I miss that time to reflect and try and feel the spirit. Anyway, as I was writing in my journal while everyone was at church, my thoughts went to my Grandma Fern. She was a special influence on me as a young child and she passed away while I was up at BYU in 1974. I have always felt sad that I never got to say goodbye to her. As I was thinking about her yesterday I had the thought, "I wish I could have just a few minutes to talk to her." She was always so happy and smiling, I don't think I ever saw her upset or sad. What would she tell me to do with my situation here on earth? Would she tell me I can do anything I want, and I would be able to handle any adversity I was given? She's been gone almost forty years now and I still feel her influence on me everyday. That got me thinking about my seventeen grandchildren and what legacy I'm passing on to them. Will they remember me as a gouchy old woman that walks like a penguin? Or will they know of my deep testimony of the Savior and my love for them? The jury is still out on that one, I can just take it one day at a time. I have a little quote hanging in my house that says, "Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know Christ will want to know Christ becasue they know you."


Stephanie Abney said...

Another beautiful, heartfelt post, Teri - I miss Grandma Fern too. Just a delightful woman. Take care.

Unknown said...

Teri--you are awesome I love you. Your grandchildren will remember you as a grandmother who walked like a penguin, and loved like the Savior. xoxo