Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Keep Your Friends Close"

These last couple of weeks have been really rough. I have spent a good deal of time with my parents at the cancer center having tests run and talking to doctors about my Dad's prognosis. I watched my big strong Dad look white and scared. I asked him what he wanted the doctor to say to him. He answered, "I want him to tell me I'm going to live." I have thought a lot lately of what I would do if I was told I had a terminal illness. Would I bankrupt my family trying to prolong my life, or would I cut my loses and go see Kamber? When Spencer moved to Boston I knew it was going to be hard. Then when he got hurt and had surgery I wasn't there for him. This last week they had another baby and I didn't get to hold him after he came from our Heavenly Father like I have with all the other grand kids. My fear of flying is causing me to miss out on lots of things I want to do, which really makes me sad. I've been trying to help a friend with her problem getting her venue passed with the city. The thought that keeps coming to my mind is "keep your friends close and your enemies even closer." This means that you always want to keep your friends close to you because they are the people you can trust. The second part means that your enemies are always going to be out there seeking to harm you, so you want to keep a close eye on them. My problem is that now I don't even know who my friends are. We all are entitled to our opinions and I respect anyone who has one even if I don't agree with them. The problem is when people I respected are shown to be dishonest in their opinions. I have faith that things will turn out for the best which ever way it goes. I'm glad to know who some of my friends are, that means a lot.

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